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The Candles you can burn on these would be 1.5 to 2 hour burning time, this candelabra holds 24 candles, you also have the option to use penny candles (shrine)
These candles come in 1,000 candles per box available in 2hr Red, Blue and White cost per box €86.10 Inc Vat.
Also available in Eco 2hr Gold 1,000 per box cost per box €67.65 Inc Vat.
Min order of 12 boxes to avail of a candelabra on a loan basis, and to continue to only buy Wisley candles for these candelabras.
€70.00 a box plus vat =€86.10 for 1000 candles, 8.6 cent per candle, (2hr red blue or white) 12 boxes = €1033.20 for 12,000 candles.
€55.00 a box plus vat =€67.65 for 1000 candles 6.7 cent per candle, (2hr Eco candles) 12 boxes = €811.80 for 12,000 candles
€45.00 a box plus vat = €55.35 for 750 candles 7.3 cent per candle (Penny candles (shrine) 20 boxes =€1107.00 for 15,000 candles
Candelabras are on a loan basis and would remain the property of us, Desmond Wisley Ecclesiastical Supplies Ltd, any damages, breakages or repairs will be carried out by Wisley Ecclesiastical Supplies.
Wisley Candles only to be used on these candelabras, if failure to continue to burn Wisley candles only, this will result in candelabras to be taken back.
Please see links below to the candles suitable for this candelabra.
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